New Droid VPN Settings For Unmetered Data Connection - 20ndTech - Official

New Droid VPN Settings For Unmetered Data Connection

12 March 2022

New droid vpn settings 

droid vpn netone settings

Today I come to you with the latest droid vpn settings.

These settings are the currently working settings for netone and others.

They are verified to be working in some countries.

The verified countries include the following:

  • Zimbabwe
  • Benin
  • Zambia
  • Uganda
  • South Africa
These are the verified countries so far. 

You can test for your country if it's not listed above. 

But if your country is listed above it means that the settings are working perfectly.

You can comment below to let me know the outcome.

In addition consider using the original droid vpn application.

And also if you're having challenges while trying to get connected.

You can update your servers or you can leave a comment below. 

So first of all, open the original droidvpn app and click on settings.

Now click on TCP and HTTP.

Configure TCP ports as shown below. 

Remote TCP 25

Local TCP 5000

Turn off send HTTP headers on TCP

Now set HTTP headers   as shown below. 

Set http headers 

Tick the following:
Online host 
Keep alive 
User agent 

Generate validate then save 

Don't mind the, the settings are for netone.

Enable Proxy 

Port: 80

Proxy headers 

On extra headers tick 
keep alive 

Vpn connection settings 

Tick the first 4 

Connect on tcp using servers 1,4,5,7
