Droid VPN Settings For Netone 2022 Unlimited Data - 20ndTech - Official

Droid VPN Settings For Netone 2022 Unlimited Data

5 June 2022
Are you looking for the latest Droid VPN settings for Netone that are currently working to provide free internet access?

Well, today I came up with the latest DroidVPN settings that are currently working in 2022.

These Droid VPN settings can change from time to time and depending on our ISPs.

Usually, if they discover that people are using free internet they can close open ports so that you will be able to use it.

However, the great news is that they probably don't close all the ports, they close the open ones and open some.

That way you won't be able to use the settings that you will be using all along.

And this is why we come up with many different settings that work for different networks and countries.

So if this is in this post doesn't work on your network please be sure to search this website for more settings.

I'm pretty sure that you will find many different settings and you will eventually find one that will work for you.

However, if you find none be sure to let me know in the comments so that I make a plan for you.

Droid VPN settings for Netone 2022

Droid vpn settings

Today I have the latest Droid VPN settings for Netone 2021.

These settings are currently working on any device. 

Fine of all clear your DroidVPN app data. 

If you don't have it you can download your copy from Google Play Store. 

After having the droid VPN apk open it and go to account. 

Enter your droid VPN username and password. 

If you don't have a droid VPN account please click here.

After entering your credentials click the save button. 

Now go to settings and configure as follows. 

Remote TCP 25

Local TCP 5000

Turn on send HTTP headers on TCP 

Set HTTP headers 

Url/host: paynow.co.zw
Tick the following:
Online host 
Keep alive 
User agent 

Generate validate then save 

Enable Proxy 

Port: 8080

Proxy headers 

Url/host: paynow.co.zw
On extra headers tick 
keep alive 

Vpn connection settings 

Tick the first 4 

Connect on TCP using servers 1,4,5,7

Thank you for your time, see you in the next post. 


I want to thank you so much guys for being with me in this article.

I am pretty sure that it has been so helpful to you and I'm sure that it will ease your DroidVPN connection.

Because mostly if you have the wrong settings you won't be able to connect DroidVPN.

So guys if you find this article so your full place be sure to share it with your friends. 


  1. Unknown
    Unknown March 7, 2021 at 3:46 PM

    This is great 👍

    • TechThere
      TechThere July 13, 2022 at 9:35 PM
