droid VPN Netone Settings 2022 Free Internet Every Time - 20ndTech - Official

droid VPN Netone Settings 2022 Free Internet Every Time

12 March 2022

 Droid VPN Netone settings 2022

droid vpn netone settings 2021

In today's post I bring you the latest droid vpn netone settings 2021 that are perfectly working. 

Use one of the following proxies in your droidvpn proxy settings. 

Enable proxy and pick one from three below. 

They are all working but test and use the best of all. 


Port>> 8080


Port>> 8080


Port>> 80

Remote TCP 0025

Local TCP 9202

Use any Free Server

Activate send HTTP headers on TCP
Set http headers


Url>> netone.co.zw

Request method >> connect

Injection method <>normal

Tick online host, user agent, keep alive
Then generate then save

Enter your Vpn connection settings

Vpn connection settings

Use VPn service API

Then activate

Activate enable compression

Disconnect autominimize & auto connect, auto reconnect, mtu scan.

Go back and enter your login credentials then click save. 

Now start clicking the start button until you get connected. 

Use TCP on free2, free5, free6, free7 or any other server that is good for you. 

After you've done it all correct it takes 5 minutes or less to get connected. 

Thank you for your time, enjoy the connection. 
